Explore Integrated Solutions
James River Equipment helps you take your equipment one step farther. Technology has brought the opportunity for maximizing equipment efficiency; now, it's time to harness its potential with Integrated Solutions. Walk through the process to understand the resources available at
James River Equipment - Ground, Cultivate, Grow and Yield.

Let's get down to the basics. Understanding your soil, topographic data, and field boundaries allow you to start planning your field activities zone by zone. James River Equipment has the means to collect, analyze, present, and store this information.

Now that we have mapped your operation's diverse makeup, let's plan for the future by applying what data may be available from the past. Identify the fields that would be best suited for variable rate seeding, fertilizer, or irrigation prescription technologies.

Let it grow with the right nutrients at the right time, all based on real-time data. James River Equipment's Integrated Solutions Team offers dynamic irrigation management and microclimate technologies that dial-in water management in your plant's lifecycle.

When it comes down to it, James River Equipment's Integrated Solutions Team know your equipment's technology the best. That's why we are here to make sure you yield the highest potential throughout the year with equipment support services.
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John Deere's Latest Technology
Technology is constantly advancing globally, and there is no exception at John Deere. Pushing the industry forward with millions spent on research and development, there is no doubt why John Deere dominates the market. Using precision ag technology, John Deere strives to make your operation more profitable and efficient than ever. With technology such as AutoTrac and JDLink, these achievements are possible. John Deere makes this operator friendly and has the resources for guidance and understanding. See James River Equipment for more information on John Deere's latest technology.
Driving Innovation
The world continues to grow, with an expected population of 10 billion by 2050. With this in mind, we will have significantly more mouths to feed but with the same amount of land. John Deere plans to target this with increased yields and more efficient farm equipment. Technology and AI will help farmers more accurately plant their fields and manage them with precise care and night and day monitoring. To learn more about John Deere's plan for the future, click here.
Improving Your Farm with Precision Ag Technology
John Deere aims to use Precision Ag Technology to make you more profitable than ever. With such accuracy is planting and applying pesticides, cutting down on excessive waste. Better crop placement results in a higher yield, giving a higher payday at the elevator. Starfire receivers from John Deere provide remarkably accurate placement in the fields, with capabilities to narrow down within less than an inch. Use the user-friendly John Deere Operations Center to see your farm's performance anywhere and make calculated decisions ahead of time to achieve the highest performance.
Technology Including AutoTrac and JDLink
John Deere technology includes the results of AutoTrac and JDLink. With these tools, have your field work done faster than ever before. AutoTrac technology allows your tractors to be run by GPS location and accurately navigate your fields. It will cut down on overlapped areas and can even be used remotely, not needing an operator in the tractor. JDLink gives you access to this remote monitoring of your farm equipment and tells you your combine's status and location. Stay ahead of the game and use all the available John Deere technology today.
Getting Started with John Deere Technology
John Deere's technology has advanced rapidly over recent years. With help understanding what is available and how to use it, James River Equipment is here. We have locations available in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and West Virginia. Our team is constantly trained on the newest offerings in John Deere technology and will relay it to you. With all questions on John Deere farm equipment and construction technology, contact James River Equipment.