IS Technology

Machine Control

The most significant buzz word in the industry, "Machine Control," has the potential to take rookie operators and make them operate like veterans. And for your veteran operators, Machine Control can make them rock stars. When it comes down to it, Machine Control can increase your project quality and productivity, which all affect your bottom line.

James River Equipment is here to help you adopt these practices, regardless of the brand of equipment.

Prevent Downtime

Typically, one would have to call a surveyor to come out and place grade stakes all around the jobsite. However, with machine Grade Control, you are limiting the amount of actual survey information you need; instead, you are taking that same survey information and putting it right at the tip of your fingertips and directly onto your smartphone or tablet.

Optimize Performance

By using Grade Control and setting an accurate subgrade, you're able to bring that material in and place it more efficiently and faster, which allows you to save on expensive materials costs. All of these factors combined are precisely what James River Equipment wants to help you do - be more productive and more efficient on your jobsite.


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